Songs Save Us

Songs Save Us

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Nesse espaço,  Você pratica Ingês com musica. Escilha uma e se divirta.

another language as a different view of life

Atualizados para sua prática

"Society" by Eddie Vedder

reflects on the challenges of fitting into modern society, critiquing materialism and the pursuit of wealth. The acoustic melody complements its introspective lyrics, offering a powerful message about finding true happiness outside societal norms.

"Englishman in New York" by Sting

"Englishman in New York" by Sting celebrates individuality and the experience of being an outsider, with its catchy tune and memorable lyrics about a British man navigating life in New York.

'Baby Can I Hold You'" by Tracy Chapman

Listen to Baby Can I Hold You by Tracy Chapman and complete the lyrics by filling in the blanks with the correct words. This activity will help improve listening skills and vocabulary. Beginner (pre-A1), Elementary (A1)

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Andrew Smith

Mergers & Acquisitions

Jeanelle Dale


Christina Amerson

Capital Markets, M&A

Anna Klatt

Drug Crimes

Angela Butler

Project Finance Practice

Joseph A. Williams

family law

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